Each MMF is part of a larger umbrella organization called the International Music Managers Forum (IMMF). There are over 25 MMF’s around the world, all operating independently of one another. Each organization is dedicated to lobbying on behalf of managers, providing educational experiences, as well as celebrating managers.
If you’re a Manager or a self-managed Artist, join one of the following MMF’s:
The Association of Artist Managers Australia
MMF Australia
MMF Belgium
MMF Canada
MMF Finland
MMF Ireland
MMF Luxembourg
MMF New Zealand
MMF Netherlands
MMF Norway
MMF Portugal
MMF South Africa
MMF Spain
MMF Sweden
The following do not have websites but have a community of managers working together, if you’d like to get in touch, it’s best to contact the IMMF.
MMF Denmark
MMF Estonia
AMA France
IMUC Germany
MMF Italy
MMF Latin America
MMF West Africa