Established in 2013, SmartistU is a global educational media platform for music industry professionals, primarily artist managers and professionally self-managed artists.
2755 Yonge Street Toronto, Canada
Phone: +14168415336


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Before you go, check out this amazing one-time-offer…

How Do You Get SUPER Fans to Find You/Your Band?
How Do You Get Your DREAM Team to Take Notice?
More Importantly: How Do You Turn Those People Into BUYERS & INVESTORS?

Take Our Best Templates and Resources!

The Ultimate Music Monetization Kit

Get Instant Access to Our Advanced Music Monetization Kit

What if you could gain MORE fans, MORE contacts, and MORE money this month? A lot is on hold in the music industry, but we believe it’s actually time to get ahead of the game.

*Whether you’re just starting and currently have ZERO fans, or clients, or contacts, or team, OR want to scale above and beyond to drive revenue and grow your team, this walks you through the exact processes to help you thrive in today’s world.*

Hey you! I’m Jamie New, founder of smartistU, one of the largest media and education platforms for artist managers (and self-managed artists) in the world.

I started at the bottom, too. I began working in the music industry in 2011 with zero previous experience. Zero music business education. I spent years figuring out the business as I went. I researched, I networked, I managed artists myself, with no team, and no stability… for years.

Along the way I made stability my focus. I learned not just how to earn a living in the music business, but how to build a sustainable business in the music business. One with staff. With a team. One that has reliable, recurring revenue every month that continues to increase. One that isn’t reliant on seeking new revenue sources every single month.

Through building a profitable 6-figure online music business, mentoring thousands of managers and artists with their businesses, as well as managing artists directly and working with some of the best in the industry, I’ve learned a thing or two about starting and scaling a resilient business that I’m happy to share with you today.

This free write-up is my way of helping you set your business up for sustainability, especially in uncertain and unstable times like the present. It is my hope that it helps point you in the right direction, eases some of the uncertainty, and brings you much more stability in the future.

Can You Afford To Slow Down?

I know it can feel like a terrible time to be planning a tour, selling your music to fans, or pitching it to industry folks.

You might have stepped back from social media. Stepped back from emails. Stepped back from all your plans.

And you’re not alone.

But let me offer you a reframe that could completely change the game for you:

What if you made MORE fans during this time than you ever projected? 

What if you made MORE industry friends and contacts during this time than you ever projected?

What if you made MORE money during this time than you ever projected?

All tragedy, challenges, crises, failures, heartbreaks, etc. bring incredible lessons and opportunities, you just have to look for them.

Which is why we created…

The Ultimate Music Monetization Kit

Our Ultimate Music Monetization Kit includes:


Pitching and Selling Coaching Class

In this training you’ll learn how to reach out to industry people, how to build relationships, and how to gain contacts.


Making Music Industry FRIENDS (Contacts) Class & Workbook

In this training you’ll learn about making a good first impression, gaining a good reputation, ideas on how to meet new people and make music industry friends. Networking checklist download included.


Earning More Money with Less Fans Class

In this training you’ll learn how to offer more to your existing fans, and how you don’t need thousands and thousands of fans to make a 6 figure income.


Raising Money for You and Your Music Projects via Crowdfunding Masterclass

In this training you’ll learn how to get more eyeballs on your crowdfunding campaigns, resulting in fully funded music projects.


Getting Your Songs in Film and TV Masterclass

In this training you’ll learn how the sync licensing industry works, emailing etiquette, negotiating, presenting yourself, and ultimately how to land your songs in TV shows, movies, commercials, and more.


Increasing Your Audience & Earnings with YouTube Masterclass

In this training you’ll learn how to create amazing video content to increase and monetize your fan base on YouTube.


Creating and Monetizing a Strong Artist Brand Masterclass

In this training you’ll learn how to nail your branding along with content creation ideas, how to attract the support of streaming platforms, and brand sponsors. 


Drafting Album & Touring Cycles for Long-Term Stability Class

In this training you’ll learn about the 18-month artist cycle, planning far in advance, and scheduling the writing, recording, marketing, and touring phases to create a predictable, sustainable income.


Increasing Revenue Streams Class & Workbook

In this training you’ll learn over 20 artist revenue streams to earn more revenue, from multiple revenue sources to create sustainable income. Printable download included.


BONUS: Increasing Revenue Streams QUARANTINE STYLE* Download

This download builds on the revenue streams training, with *from home* revenue streams you can tap into in today’s world.

This kit has everything you need to give your business a significant boost in fans, contacts, and revenue fast.

Let me tell you, all of this training is taught by experts in the music industry, whom all started with nothing and worked their way up to working with some of the top artists in the industry or within their respective genres, so you can be confident this WILL work for you, regardless of your genre or where you’re at in your career.

If we can do it, so can you. You have what it takes. 

Take advantage of this opportunity to show up for yourself, your band(s), your team, and your fans right now.