Established in 2013, SmartistU is a global educational media platform for music industry professionals, primarily artist managers and professionally self-managed artists.
2755 Yonge Street Toronto, Canada
Phone: +14168415336

Make Your Artists Dreams Come True 

And Finally Become A High-Earning, High-Demand Music Industry Professional.

Get your road map to:

– Increase revenue for yourself and your artists
– Increase artist clients & launch your music business
– Increase fan/media/industry attention for your artists

Module 1

Increase Your Confidence

By the end of this module, you’ll understand the psychology and physiology of confidence, you’ll let go of any limiting beliefs you have, any fears of rejection from putting yourself “out there”, and gain the confidence and mental toughness needed to achieve massive success.

Module 2

Increase Your Earning Potential

By the end of this module, you’ll be confident with your ability to manage an artist’s career, having strengthened your knowledge base and skill set, as well as increased your artist’s income streams, and therefore your own commissions as a manager (or band leader).

Module 3

Master the Industry & Its Gatekeepers

By the end of this module, you’ll be confidently navigating the music business and the gatekeepers in the industry, you’ll know how much it’ll cost you to get through to them, and you’ll be doing their jobs yourself until you’re ready to build your team.

Module 4

Build a Profitable Music Business

Whether with your employer or on your own, by the end of this module, you’ll have created a profitable offer suite (aside from artist commissions) based around your zone of genius, you’ll have created a sales and marketing plan, and launched it to your target music business niche.

Module 5

Discover & Sign Hardworking Talent

By the end of this module, you’ll have discovered potential talent, narrowed them down to the best possible clients to take on, commenced the ‘dating phase’, begun contract negotiations, and taken the first steps in your new artist-manager partnership.

Module 6

Develop Album Release Strategies

By the end of this module, you’ve set your & your artist’s career bucket lists and goals, and have confidently planned the writing, recording, marketing, promotion, and touring phases of your artist’s next album release cycle, including budgets and timelines.

Module 7

Build Your Artist’s Teams

By the end of this module, you’ll be a genuine networking machine, you’ll have confidently reached out and pitched your artists to prospective industry gatekeepers, and begun building your dream team of support around each of your artists.

Module 8

Develop Your Artists

By the end of this module, you’ll be able to confidently direct your artists’ creative endeavors and branding, book their songwriting sessions, manage their catalogues, and work with producers and publishers to create stronger albums.

Module 9

Build Your Fanbases Worldwide

At the end of this module, you’ll be confidently wearing the Record Label hat, Publicist Hat, and Music Supervisors hats, implementing plans to get your artist’s songs to as many fans as possible around the globe through streaming playlists, getting on the radio, getting in the media, getting songs in film and television, and getting the funding to make it all happen.

Module 10

Build Your Fanbases Worldwide Pt.2

By the end of this module, you’ll be confidently wearing the Agent hat, having planned out and booked the next one to two years of touring and live performances, including online performances, conferences, and festivals, and planned the budgeting to make it all profitable.

Module 11

Build Your Internal Team

By the end of this module, you’ll be confidently wearing the CEO hat, having built a great team you can trust, and delegating the right tasks so you can work on the business instead of in the business, and focus on what you love to do most, becoming a true company leader.

Module 12

Optimize for Stability & Longevity

By the end of this module, you’ll be managing both emotions and cash flow like a pro. You’ll have created a financial system to easily generate profits and savings, and implemented processes and standards that will keep you in the business you love for many years to come.